When you need extra support or training for your website and web marketing

This little extras to make your life online better

Over time, we have learned that our customers often need temporary or even long term support on a more informal basis. They might need a little help with a tricky issue with Wordpress, their content might not be coming out the way they want, or they want some advice on a social media campaign. It could just as easily be an email problem that needs sorting out or some help to move hosts.

In fact, we have had many of our clients transfer to us, prescisely because they felt abandoned by their designers or hosting company, or that they were being penalised with heavy bills for things that were not explained - they just felt taken advantage of.

i-webdesigner's commitment is to help our customers. Much of our support is free, and where customers want a way to fix a problem, or greateer reassurance, we offer flexible short or long-term support packages for the simple and more complicated things

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